Adopt budgie


Parakeets are a popular pet

So you’ve decided you want a pet and you’re thinking about getting a bird. You’ve researched some species of birds that are kept as pets, and you’ve decided on a budgie for now. Parakeets are very popular as pets and very easy for beginners. But there are still many things to do to be a responsible pet owner.

You know that, that’s why you’re here. You want to know if you are the right person for this little creature to spend his life with. It’s not just about giving him the right food, providing him with toys, and keeping his cage clean.

So, you should take a budgie? Here are some questions that, once answered, will help you make a decision.

Questions you should ask yourself

  • Will your personalities match?
  • Why do you want a budgie?
  • Are you ready to buy not just one, but two budgies?
  • Do you have the time for the budgie?
  • Do you have the space for the budgie?
  • Can you afford to keep it healthy?
  • What will happen to the budgie(s) when you go on holiday?
  • What if you get tired of the bird?
  • Do you have any other pets that could be dangerous for a very curious little bird?
  • What if you decide you want even more budgies?

1. Will your personalities match?

Parakeets are very playful and curious, but they are also stubborn. This means they sometimes behave like a two-year-olds: they touch something they shouldn’t, use their sharp beaks to destroy furniture, and poop over everything (they poop every 15 minutes and can’t be dragged home). Even the tamest budgie, when she decides not to go to her cage, flies away and disobeys you.

How to breed budgies (aka budgies or budgies)

They go through puberty, like humans: they test your limits, are stubborn, and even aggressive towards you! Luckily, they don’t hang out with bad budgies, dress in black, and listen to metal music all day, but they can still put you in the skin if you’re not patient.

They are Howlers

Parakeets also scream very loudly at least once a day for minutes. Some budgies scream several times a day, for half an hour at a time. You can find videos of this sound on YouTube. I suggest you listen to a budgie screaming before you decide to have one. This might bother you! If you have a small child who needs to sleep, don’t buy a budgie!

They’re smart!

Parakeets are smart and they understand your routines, your tricks to get them back in the cage (or to make them do anything, really), and so on. They will find the solution. One of my own budgies even understood that a particular look at my face meant that I was going to close the cage and that at that moment, whatever he did, he would immediately sit in the opening and just continue doing what he was doing, ready to fly away.

Of course, all this seems to indicate that budgies are horrible to keep as pets. But don’t think that’s the case. They are also very gentle and can attach themselves to their guardian. So, make sure you’re willing to spend time with the budgie. She is not meant to stay alone in a cage all day.

2. Why do you want a budgie?

Be honest. Is it curiosity? Is it to highlight it or to make it live like a television screen? A budgie is a living being, and it must be taken care of. If you’re likely to buy one and take it to the pound in a month, save yourself trouble and money.

However, if it is because you are in love with budgies, you like their appearance, they are funny and adventurous and you want to tame them and make them your best friend, then you are the ideal person to own a budgie, and the parakeet will be happy to be adopted by you!

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Adopt budgie
budgie adoption

Did you know?

  • Parakeets are native to Australia.
  • The first parakeets to leave Australia were taken to England in 1840.
  • Originally, prices for budgies were very high, sometimes up to 100 times the average salary at the time.
  • The parakeet family is the largest group of parrots.

3. Are you ready to buy not just one, but two budgies?

Parakeets are social creatures. They cannot live alone. The best thing for any budgie owner to do is to buy another one, bringing the total to at least two budgies. It’s not only more fun for you, as the owner, to see the two budgies interact. The budgie will most likely be more active, happier, fitter, and live longer! Read How to introduce a second budgie for more information…

Adopt budgie

How to care for budgie

4. Do you have the space and time for the budgie?

A budgie needs a beautiful and spacious cage with good quality perches, a variety of toys, and a wide variety of food. She must be able to spread her wings from time to time to stay in shape. So, do you have room for a big enough cage?

A budgie also needs you there. She will not be happy to spend all day sitting on a perch, staring at the wall, being alone. You wouldn’t be happy either. The budgie needs you to spend a lot of time with her if she is alone. If you have a second budgie, you won’t need to spend as much time interacting with her, but you should still keep the cage clean, change the water and food bowls every day, and keep a good eye on her health.

5. Can you afford to keep it healthy?

Buying a budgie, a cage, toys, and food is one thing. But what if the bird gets sick? A visit to the vet will cost money, and you really owe it to the bird to pay for its treatment when it needs it. So add about 200 euros to your budget before deciding to buy a budgie. Keep this money in a safe place and do not touch it. Keep it exclusively for vet fees.

How to spot a sick mouse

6. What will happen to the budgie(s) when you go on holiday?

A budgie will die if left 48 hours without food. Taking him with you would cause him a lot of stress, and the hotel probably wouldn’t allow it. So is there someone you can trust to take care of it? Make sure she will take care of the bird! I once asked someone to take care of my birds, and it’s a good thing I came home early: He forgot.

7. Et si vous vous lassiez de l’oiseau ?

Will you keep it and take good care of it? Or do you know someone who is good with animals and would be able to love your budgie? Kgs are overcrowded, so think twice before risking increasing the population.

8. Do you have any other pets that could be dangerous for a very curious little bird?

This one is pretty self-explanatory. Dogs, cats, snakes… We can all think of many pets that could hurt or even kill a little budgie.

9. What if you decide you want even more budgies?

Parakeets are addictive! Many owners end up buying more budgies, and many even decide to try breeding. Will you be able to say no if you don’t have the space or time to do so?

Did you answer everything?

Have you answered all these questions or come up with solutions to any problems that may arise? Do you really want to have a budgie or two? So the next step is to prepare your home to welcome a new family member! You will add love, life, and laughter to your home! I look forward to an article from me on the same subject.



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