Fruits and vegetables for parakeets

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Fruits and vegetables for parakeets

Fruits and vegetables for parakeets: Some fruits and vegetables are excellent and recommended for our parakeets, while others should be avoided.

Fruits and vegetables are an integral part of the diet of our pet parrots. Which ones to give them?

Why are fruits and vegetables important for parrots?

SOURCE:African Grey Parrot Pet

Fruits and vegetables are the first and foremost foods that parakeets, in the wild and in their natural environment, consume instinctively. Moreover, they know perfectly well which ones to choose and do not approach those that are harmful to them. They are therefore a natural part of the parrot diet.

Then, fruits and vegetables are essential for the parakeets that we raise in cages and aviaries because they complement their diet. Indeed, the seeds are not sufficient to guarantee them all the nutritional intake they need to be healthy. This need is all the greater because our parrots cannot fetch food themselves to supplement their menus as they would in their natural habitat.

Without fruit and vegetables, parrots are exposed to deficiencies that can quickly cause damage to their organism.

It is these foods that provide essential vitamins and minerals, allowing the various components and functions of the parrot’s body to “run” normally and in good conditions.

In some cases, the veterinarian can also prescribe food supplements to prevent deficiencies.

Let’s take a look at the fruits to give to your pet parrots, as well as the vegetables that can be incorporated into their diet.

What fruits can parrots eat?

Here is the list of fruits that we can feed our parrot:

  • Apricot
  • Figs
  • Strawberries
  • Raspberry
  • Kiwi
  • Mango
  • Melon
  • Papaya
  • Watermelon
  • Pear
  • Apple
  • Grape

SOURCE:African Grey Parrot Pet

What vegetables can parrots eat

On the side of the vegetable garden, there are also foods that are beneficial for our birds and that we can therefore offer them regularly. Here are some examples:

  • Broccoli
  • Carrot
  • Celery
  • Kale
  • Pumpkin
  • Cucumber
  • Squash
  • Endive
  • Spinach
  • Turnip
  • Baked sweet potato
  • Parsley

Fruits and vegetables can not parrot eat

Foods That Parrots Should NOT EatFruits and vegetables for parakeets

There is also a list of fruits and vegetables to avoid or totally proscribe , because of their danger to the health of our birds.

Among them is the avocado , which is harmful on two counts. First, it is too fat for winged companions. Second, it contains a toxin called persin , which causes various disorders and even death .

Raw potatoes are also dangerous for our birds. It contains solanine , an alkaloid that is toxic to their organism.

Garlic , onion and shallot , which are part of the allium genus, have sulfur compounds which lead to the destruction of red blood cells once chewed and digested.

It is also advisable to be very careful to remove the pips and pits of certain fruits, because they contain a derivative of cyanide likely to cause digestive disorders in the bird.

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