How to Take Care of an Amazon Parrot

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where do amazon parrots live

Do you want to take good care of your Amazon parakeet? Want your duster to be happy and healthy? How to Take Care of an Amazon Parrot?

You have come to the right place because we are passionate about the subject and know exactly how to help you

In this article you will discover:

  • Which cage to buy
  • Where to place it
  • When and how to clean it
  • What accessories to use
  • What foods to give

So you will know exactly how to take good care of your feathered friend. Thus, he will be able to live a long, comfortable and joyful life.

1) The environment of the Amazon Parakeet

In order for your bird to live in good physical and mental health, you must provide it with a supportive living environment. We will explain in detail the three great environmental pillars that will make your parrot happy and fulfilled.

Adopt a Baby Parrot

amazon parrot price

A) Offer him a Custom Cage

This is one of the most essential points for the well-being of your bird. Parrots of the Psittacidae family have very specific requirements when it comes to their habitat. We’ll tell you what makes up the perfect cage:

  • It must be rectangular and never round.
  • It must be easy to clean and be able to last over time.
  • It should be big enough so that the bird can flap its wings without bumping into anything. This is the optimum size: 75cm wide × 75cm high × 45cm deep.
  • It must be equipped with a wide door.
  • It must have two horizontal bars on each side. This makes it easier for your bird to climb.
  • Your cage should have at least two comfortable perches.

Location And Maintenance of the Parrot Cage

amazon parrot cage size

B) Install the Cage in a frequented room

This point is also very important. The parrot is a social animal. When he lives in captivity, he never leaves his group. So living alone could sink him into a great depression. It is therefore in the order of the obligation to install one’s habitat in the heart of a room where life reigns.

If for various reasons you are not often at home, we strongly advise against acquiring this type of animal. If you choose to install the cage in a room often frequented by other animals (dogs or cats for example), then take care to observe if they stress your parrot. If so, we do not recommend letting them live in the same room. On the other hand, if they get along well, they will make great company for your bird!

Amazon Blue-Fronted

amazon parakeet

C) Keep the Room at the Right Temperature

Native to hot areas, the green amazon bird does not tolerate the cold quite well. So to keep him in good health, it is necessary to install his cage in a room of a fairly good temperature.

The perfect temperature is between 18 and 29 ° C. A temperature below 18 ° C can be very dangerous and a temperature above 29 ° C can cause heat stress. It results in overheating of the body which can be fatal. Usually, the average home temperature is somewhere between these two terms, so you shouldn’t have a problem.


2) Amazon bird food

To maintain a good balance of health, the green amazon bird is quite demanding when it comes to food. He needs a varied diet that includes all the nutrients and proteins he needs. We will tell you what is imperative to give it. And we’ll also let you know what absolutely not to give him.

parrot food

amazon bird food

A) The Food He Needs to Live

Here are the three pillars of the amazon parrot diet

  • He eats fruits and vegetables. He particularly enjoys eating bananas, apples, grapes, carrots, green vegetables, and berries. (It is advisable to cut food into small pieces to facilitate consumption).
  • He needs compound parrot feed. This is a preparation that alone includes all the nutrients necessary for the survival of the bird. This is made up of these ingredients: grains, seeds, vegetable oils, vegetables and fruits, vitamins, and minerals.
  • He needs to be able to stay hydrated at all times. For this, he must always have a container of clean water available. He drinks between 2 and 3% of his body weight each day. the average weight of an Amazon parrot is 250 grams. Your bird should therefore drink between 4 to 6 ml of water per day.

The most important thing is to know how to provide it with a varied diet. Feeding your bird only parrot compound feed or only the same fruits and vegetables is not optimal. The ratio is this: 25% fruit, 25% vegetables, and 50% compound parrot feed. It may be that someday, your parrot has less appetite, this is completely normal.

where do amazon parrots live

How to Take Care of an Amazon Parrot

B) The Food That You Absolutely Must Not Give Him

Read with great attention the foods that we are going to list you because they constitute a danger of death for your amazon parakeet, amazon bird food:

  • Salt: this is not allowed for any bird.
  • Dirty water: a colony of bacteria can be fatal.
  • Chocolate: extremely toxic for the metabolism of the bird, even at very low doses.
  • Lettuce: It is not fatal but it causes very strong colic.
  • The lawyer: Great risk of poisoning and death.
  • Parsley: Very toxic
  • Milk: it cannot be processed by the body of birds. The lack of digestion then causes severe diarrhea.
  • Pits and seeds: They are poisonous and deadly.

This list is not exhaustive but the rest is common sense. (alcohol, drugs, or even fast-food foods are obviously not to be prescribed.

3) Keeping the Amazon Parrot Healthy

Red-lored amazon

How to Take Care of an Amazon Parrot

A) Cleaning the Cage

It is strongly recommended that you clean your bird’s cage once a day. Leaving your parrot in a dirty cage could cause it to catch serious illnesses. To simplify the process, there is a very specific way to go about it.

Clean the bottom of the cage first. In second the perches. Then finally devote yourself to the bowl of food and the bowl of water. To do this, immediately throw away the remains of your parrot which can quickly rot (your bird is very sensitive to bacteria).

This type of action should be done every day. But there is not only that to be done. It is also forbidden to clean the cage with a special disinfectant for birds once a week. You will find this very easily in all pet stores. A conventional disinfectant will be very dangerous for your parrot.

How to care for your pet parrot

SOURCE:Ontario SPCA and Humane Society


B) Regularly consult a Veterinarian

It is very important to see a veterinarian regularly. Because even if you take good care of your pet, it is not impossible that it will contract a disease. Sometimes a preventive consultation may be sufficient to resolve the problem. Make sure the vet is a bird specialist. You wouldn’t want to run into someone incompetent …

There are 4 recurrent diseases in the green amazon bird Knowing them can make it easier for you to anticipate the problem. We will therefore quote them to you.

  • Rhinitis: Inflammation of the wax of the nasal mucosa caused by a sudden change in temperature.
  • Infraorbital sinusitis: this disease is a complication of rhinitis. It is distinguished by the presence of pus in the nasal cavity.
  • Aspergillosis: mycosis entering the body in the form of spores through the respiratory tract. This disease can occur after a sharp decline in immunity.
  • Candidiasis: this disease is similar to aspergillosis except that it attacks the digestive system and no longer the respiratory system.

Taylor Trains an Amazon Parrot

SOURCE:AnimalWonders Montana


Help your green amazon bird have fun

As you can see, adopting an Amazon parrot should be a thoughtful choice. Because not only can they live a very long time, they also require a lot of care and attention.

Thanks to this article, you now know how to take care of a green amazon bird optimally.

In order to stimulate your companion to develop in the best possible way, to be happy and healthy, we offer you these toys.

Discover our collection of parrot toys by clicking on the image below.

 amazon parrot price

The price of a Yellow-fronted Amazon parrot from a breeder ranges from 971$ to 1143$. Blue-fronted Amazon parrots are often more expensive: their price varies from breeder to breeder, and the price range is between 1143$ to 1371$.

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