How to train budgie

How To Train Budgie

How to train budgie: The parakeet is a small, perennial, talkative bird. If you have decided to buy one of these animals, and you have already read the article on how to care for a budgie, it is time to learn how to train it. Get ready to have a lot of fun with your Lovely budgies bird.

Gaining the trust of the budgie

Make your budgie feel at home. If your budgie has just arrived, she will need time to get used to her cage. You should leave enough to adapt, at least two weeks, to make sure the bird is in a calm environment before trying to train it. During this time, the budgie should begin to relax and feel more comfortable.

  • Be sure to read the article on how to care for a budgie.
  • Stay close to the cage. Talk to her softly while you wait for her to adjust, but don’t try to manipulate her. She will get used to you during the days or weeks that follow.
  • Avoid loud noises and screams. Your budgie will surely be stressed by its new environment.
  • Give the budgie a name. Say it often, especially when feeding her, so that she gets used to her name.
  • Read a story to your bird. It might sound weird, but budgies love to hear the sound of their owner’s voice. You can calm her down and get her used to your voice by reading her a story.

Feed the budgie every day

It will begin to recognize you as its unique source of food. The bird will trust you faster and it will be happy to see you every day.

  • You have to change her water and food every day, even if she hasn’t touched them. A new budgie will often refuse to eat for up to a week while it gets used to its new environment.
  • Give treats to your budgie before you start training it. Give him a piece of fruit or seeds. Your bird will love it and it will be more eager to learn if you reward it. Do not overdo it with treats, because you need to keep your bird healthy.

Let the budgie fly around the room

Once the bird is comfortable with you, you can let it fly around the room making sure the windows and doors are closed. This extra space will make your budgie happier and keep her healthy for the upcoming training.

  • To remind her, turn off all the lights and leave a curtain open without forgetting to close the window. The parakeet will be attracted to the light. Grab her gently and put her back in her cage.
  • Make sure there are no cats or other predators in the room.
  • If you have a child, do not let him scare the bird. Parakeets are animals that are easy to traumatize.

Read More about: Parrot and Parakeet Free fly

How to train budgie

How To Tame Budgies

Teach him tricks

All you need to know about budgies tricks

Encourage physical contact

Once your budgie has adapted, put your hand in the cage and keep it still. Repeat for several days so that the budgie gets used to your physical presence.

  • When the budgie looks like it’s not bothered by your hand, stretch one of your fingers into the cage. Then gently lay it on the torso of the budgie. This will encourage him to climb on it. Be patient, as the budgie might not want to do this at first.
  • If the bird is intimidated, simply rub its beak with your finger. Show him love and affection.
  • Alternatively, you can put a few budgie’s preferred seeds on your finger. Your budgie will probably climb on them to eat them. If you start over for several days, the parakeet will begin to trust you.

Start teaching him directions

When talking to the budgie, start giving it commands like “go up” or “go down” when it goes up and down with your finger. You will be able to make her do what you want by repeating enough times commands that only sound to her.

  • Give your budgie a treat when she’s doing something you’ve asked her for. This helps reinforce the budgie’s behavior.
  • Be persistent and consistent. You will have to focus on one order at a time and for a while until the budgie does it at your request. Persevere and do not change habits, this increases your chances of making the budgie understand faster.

Teach him to fly toward you

Put a finger close to her, but not too much so she can’t jump on it, so she has to use her wings. Pull it a little further away each time it flies to land on it and reward it when it does. Do this every day by moving your finger a little further away.

  • You can teach him to go from a perch you hold (or with your finger) to the inside of his cage. Use keywords, such as “in your cage.”
  • Point a finger at the cage, and say “in your cage.” Reward her every time she does.

How to train budgie

Care for a budgie

Familiarize her with a towel

This can allow her to be comfortable when, for example, she is sick and you want to take her to the vet. To get him used to being in a towel, you need to start by making him explore the towel. Put the napkin on a table by placing a treat she likes in the middle and let her walk on the napkin to get the reward. Do this several times a day.

  • Then take the towel with a part in the palm of your open hand and put a treat on it and get your friend used to coming on the towel in the palm of your hand. Do this for a few minutes and start again a few hours later.
  • Then gradually close the towel on the bird and place the other hand on it to hold it in place. Continue until she feels comfortable being completely surrounded by the towel. When you do this, gently stroke her wings or paws so that she gets used to being touched, which will be necessary at the vet.
  • Repeat each day, always rewarding her and having a positive attitude. She will get used to being in the towel, which will be very useful when you want to cut her nails, for example.

Train your budgie to hold on to a tennis ball

Once the bird knows the basic directions, it’s time to make it do more complicated things. Put a tennis ball in its cage and let the birds change with the ball for several days. Follow these methods.

  • Try to put the budgie on the tennis ball and hold its body while its paws try to find balance. Whenever the budgie tries to find its balance with its paws, give it a treat.
  • Do not force the animal to learn a trick for too long. It only takes 10 to 50 minutes a day. Remember that the bird must also have fun.
  • Leave the ball in the cage. The budgie will eventually understand the purpose of the exercise and will find its balance on the ball.
  • Gently hold the budgie on the tennis ball. Remember that they are fragile animals.

Teach the budgie to climb a ladder

You can find plastic bird ladders in pet stores. Hang one on the side of the budgie’s cage. The budgie will naturally be curious about this new object and will want to climb on it.

  • Each time the budgie tries to climb the ladder, repeat the same word, such as “climb” so that the bird associates this word with the action it is doing.
  • This trick allows you to climb the parakeet on the ladder whenever you want. Be patient and gentle. Place the bird on the lowest rung and hold it in place. Repeat the word associated with the scale and release the budgie.
  • Once the bird understands what you want it to do, do not put it on the last rung, but a few centimeters from it. Increase the distance every day until the budgie obeys without physical contact.

Teach him to speak and sing

Teach him his name. It is easier to start with the name of the animal because he hears it all the time. Repeat the budgie’s name every time you see it and when you feed it. Try to speak to him with a higher tone and say his name slowly and clearly.

  • Wait until the budgie is old enough. The bird must be at least three months old before it can speak.
  • If you have several budgies, first train them to recognize their names. You don’t want to make it too difficult for them from the beginning.
  • Don’t forget to reward your budgie. If she doesn’t learn fast enough, don’t punish her. She doesn’t differentiate between what’s right and what’s wrong and she’ll just stop trusting you.

Increase their vocabulary

Talented budgies can learn a thousand words during their lifetime. Once the bird knows its name, choose the words you want to teach it. Your budgie will eventually make the connection between the words and the objects or actions they designate.

  • When you enter the room, tell him all the time, “Hi (budgie name).” When you feed her, point to the seeds and say, “eat.”
  • Observe their body language and use it. When the bird is in a threatening position (if it bites or pinches), tell it “nasty.” When he rests on one leg and looks happy, tell him, “happy.”
  • Your budgie can learn simple phrases. When she eats, you can say, “(budgie’s name) eats.” When she drinks, you can say, “(budgie’s name) wood.”
  • Don’t teach him bad words. The parakeet will remember it for a long time and it will embarrass you in front of your guests.

Teach him a song

There is nothing funnier than a bird singing a song. Your budgie will remember simple songs and will enchant the whole family. The easiest way to teach him a song is to repeat it to the bird constantly. Don’t try to teach him the whole song, just a few seconds.

  • Choose a song you like. Remember that the parakeet will sing it all the time.
  • Record yourself singing the song and playing it when you’re not around. It is a very effective method to teach him a song without having to repeat it thousands of times. You can do the same to teach him words.
  • Recording the song might not be the best way to teach him a song. The instruments could interfere with the understanding of the parakeet.


  • If the budgie does not come to you, do not chase it into the cage.

Taming Fearful Parakeets and Budgies Step by Step


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