Macaw vs African Grey

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Macaw vs African Grey

Should I buy a macaw Parrot or an African grey? Macaw vs African Grey Comparison and contrast between a macaw and an African grey Parrot

Thinking of buying a macaw or an African grey parrot? Can’t decide which one to buy? The following article will try to answer all your questions.

As the personal owner of each of these parrots, at different times (so full attention was paid to each), I concluded that I appreciate macaws more than grey ones. Let me compare and contrast the following topics:

  • Training Opportunity
  • Energy
  • Intellect
  • Appearance
  • Destructiveness
  • Loudness
  • Waist
  • Aggressiveness

1. Fitness for training

Both parrots undoubtedly have the ability to learn “tricks”. Although grey is far superior to the intellectual sense, I believe that macaw is easier to train. The low attention span of the macaw invites the trainer to short sessions of 15 minutes. When I trained my macaw, Gracie, the sessions were short and enjoyable. The grey parrot sessions were (my brother took my grey parrot, Bubba, when he moved) about 30 minutes, even up to 45!

Sure, African gray learns faster, but a busy guy like me prefers to spend his precious time playing with his parrot, rather than go through intensive training. I’m a new author on this site, but I’m going to upload some photos and videos of my workouts.

2. Energy

Anyone who has ever seen a macaw or an African grey knows that the macaw is the Energizer rabbit compared to the grey parrot. My blue and gold is about two years old and hasn’t stopped moving since birth. Its cage is huge (40 x 32 x 67) but still too small!

It is constantly suspended, flapping its wings, rolling, moving, and turning, never in the same place for more than a second. She doesn’t stop until 21 p.m. when suddenly all movement stops and she’s out like a light in her upper perch, in which a nuclear bomb wouldn’t disturb her calm!

Bubba, my African parrot, generally tends to be casual, serene, and quite talkative. Sometimes he has his energy to spare, but he is usually contemptuous with the gentle rock of his swing, watching the world go by, speaking in full sentences as if someone was listening.

I don’t clip the wings of any of these parrots, and in the spring and summer, we enjoy the fresh air in the aviary I built. The moment I let them free themselves in the confined space, they both fire like rockets, grateful for the exercise.

After five minutes, Bubba is done and drags himself on the branch of a tree I planted. I literally have to catch Gracie to stop her from flying around the aviary. I prefer the high-energy bird. It is indeed more pleasant.

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3. Intellect

This category is strongly dedicated to African grey. No other parrot I have met has such an ability to learn words, signs, movements, and conversation as this bird. In less than three years, Bubba has learned one sentence at a time.

It’s even smart enough to copy the sound of the doorbell and the microwave alarm. The theory is that the bird must think: “Hearing the sound, a man runs towards the sound. So if I make the same noise, maybe the human will run towards me! »

Don’t get me wrong, macaws are also smart. In two years with Gracie, she learned about twenty sentences/words, for a total of thirty words! Greys also have the ability to whistle, and Bubba is profusely displayed during the day. Every time I try to teach Gracie to whistle, she gets frustrated and screams.

Macaw vs African Grey

African grey vs macaw

Some pictures of Gracie and Bubba

My B&g Gracie

4. Appearance

There is no more beautiful view than looking at all the different breeds of macaws. Although the African parrot has shades of gray, with a red tail and the like, it is not comparable to the liveliness of the macaw. Scarlet, Greenwing, Hyacinth, Buffon’s, Military, etc. (I don’t normally suggest buying hybrids). A macaw in flight, well elongated, is a gift of nature.

5. Destructiveness

This can be pros or cons, in reality, depending on the owner. Macaws are very destructive parrots, which quite easily destroy toys. If left unattended, they tear up your furniture! Gracie shreds the 2×4 pieces I buy from the pet store as efficiently as an axe.

African parrots have a good-sized beak, but they are nowhere near as destructive. You won’t need to replenish your toys as often, and so you can save a few dollars (this means that every type of parrot still needs a lot of toys to keep them busy and avoid plucking).

I discovered that African greys have the ability to entertain themselves by whistling, lounging, or looking outside. Sometimes, if I wasn’t home for a few hours, I would turn on the radio and place it in front of Bubba, and that satisfied him.

What to do when your budgie keeps screaming

A bored macaw is a dangerous macaw. It’s so sad to see these birds, or any bird for that matter, with feathers pulled out. In short, many wooden and leather toys, with a keen eye out of the cage, can minimize the destructive habits of any bird.

Macaw vs African Grey

African Grey Parrot

6. Loudness

Most people don’t quite understand why birds in general are such noisy animals. First of all, birds are able to constantly scream for hours because they do not have a trachea. This means that a bird can never lose its “voice”. As long as there is oxygen to breathe, there is a lot of screaming to be done!

They are so loud because they compete with any other noise to be the loudest. In nature, the loudest and most beautiful songs attract the female. Any parrot owner who has vacuumed, blown up the radio, or something like that, knows how competitive these parrots are.

Macaws are significantly noisier than grey ones. As a rule, the larger the bird, the greater the noise. An apartment building is not a good idea for a macaw, and probably not even for a grey one. If you want one of these birds, be prepared to hear the calls.

7. Size

Both parrots are quite impressive in size. The macaw has the advantage of size. A macaw can be about 80 to 90 cm in size, depending on the species. There are a few smaller species of macaws, called mini-macaws, that are about the same size as an African grey parrot.

In addition, the tail of a macaw is much larger, measuring up to 18 inches! An adult macaw is able to maintain its tail well thanks to a daily shower.

African greys, for most people, are simply the ideal size. The tail is short and red, which is not a problem. You can also get away with a cage smaller than a macaw, which could save you money.

Note: If you’re worried about spending too much money, don’t consider a parrot. Between toys, food, and accessories, be prepared to spend thousands of dollars during the bird’s life.

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8. Aggressiveness

This is perhaps the most important topic among the eight I have published. Before talking about my experiences, let me tell you that any bird can be taught not to bite, scratch, etc. It takes time and patience.

African greys are well known for their nervous side. They are also slightly temperamental and show signs of a “bad mood”. Most of the time, their owner receives a small bite or a small pinch, rarely something serious. Bubba only a bit or pinched me when I tried to put him back in his cage for the day.

A macaw is usually a gentle and friendly parrot. However, macaws, due to their playful character, tend to play too brutally and could do some damage with this monstrous beak.

I once heard a rumor that there was a video on YouTube showing a macaw breaking a broomstick, but I can’t confirm this as I couldn’t find the video. I do know, however, that a macaw can deliver a serious punch.

An adult hyacinth can produce more than 200 kg per inch2. Gracie can break a nut into pieces in one fell swoop. My macaw never bit me because she was only crazy when she played a little too roughly. Whichever you choose, pay attention to its beak until it is well-formed!

Macaw vs African Grey

parrot macaw

Be sure to do more research on your new pet!

I hope I have helped you somewhat in your quest for knowledge about these wonderful animals. However, I have not included other important facts, such as animal husbandry or health issues. So far, I have been fortunate enough to have healthy birds and have not chosen to breed them, so I am less knowledgeable in these areas. I also haven’t indicated a specific diet for these birds, so be sure to check.

I am open to questions and criticism because there is always a window to learn! Feel free to give me your feedback and (as I promised) I will post videos and photos of myself with my birds/training sessions! God bless you!

SOURCE: Parrot Bliss

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