The parrot and food myths

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The parrot and food mythsThe parrot and food myths: I believe that no pet is more the subject of food myths or legends than the parrot. Although the diet of psittacines is still only a very young subject of study, one can already dust off some of these popular beliefs which surround the diet of the parrot.

No, sunflower seeds do not contain substances that make parrots dependent!

There is no point in buying seed mixes without sunflower to lighten the diet of your bird. Of course, it is recognized that sunflower seeds are high in fat and deficient in some essential nutrients, but they are not worthless at all.

Most non-sunflower parrot seed mixes contain safflower seeds as a replacement for sunflowers. In this regard, you should know that the composition of safflower seeds is very comparable to sunflower seeds ( notwithstanding the fact that safflower is much more expensive ). Sunflower and safflower are both high in fat, and low in calcium, vitamins, and other nutrients.

The parrot and food myths

The parrot and food myths

Parsley is not toxic to parrots

It is true that just like spinach, it is rich in iron and just as true that parrots have difficulty removing iron. But a little at a time, in moderation, it’s a great source of vitamin A.

The parrot and food myths

The parrot and food myths

Feed is not a complete food

A feed / extruded diet should be supplemented with foods from all food groups.

The parrot and food myths

The parrot and food myths

The colors that cover some parrot seed mixes are not vitamins

These are food colorings that are only decorative.

The parrot and food myths

The parrot and food myths

Lettuce and leafy vegetables as well as fruit or vegetable juices do not cause diarrhea in parrots

If a food contains more moisture, the parrot will compensate by urinating a little more, quite simply!

The parrot and food myths

The parrot and food myths

You must not give your parrot table food

Even if, culturally, it is forbidden for us ( for I do not really know what reason ) to offer table food ( not table scraps ) to our dogs and cats, in the case of parrots it is quite the opposite. …

We must offer them some, for their greater benefit. Sharing our meal with our bird is really the easiest and most practical way to vary its diet.

Are monkey cookies good for parrots? False!

These cookies contain a very high amount of vitamin D because monkeys have a great need for this vitamin. It is precisely because of the high content of vitamin D that we began to give these cookies to parrots. These cookies contain too much vitamin D for parrots, especially macaws, and can poison your birds.


Gravel and parrots

Unfortunately, it is still today one of the most commonly purchased items for parrots. Birds that shell their seeds ( like parrots ) do not need it.

If you want to supplement your bird with calcium, it is better to do so through food. Gravel can cause crop or stomach impactions.

If these are filled with gravel, they can also kill the bird. Of course, gravel also includes cat litter or any other fine particles of sand or stone produced by disintegration.

Parrot Food: Questions and Misconceptions with Dr Jason Crean | BirdNerdSophie

SOURCE: BirdNerdSophie

Oyster scales

The latter is not considered to be really gravel because of its rapid dissolution and absorption in the gizzard. On the other hand, they are now too often contaminated with heavy metals ( mercury ). Even if they are rich in calcium, it is better to avoid offering them to your parrot.

The parrot and food myths

Parrots should be fed a fat-free diet …

Another very insidious myth. Parrots need fat in their diet. I will not make an apology for fat here, but it is important to know that fat, in addition to providing energy, is also the means by which fat-soluble vitamins such as vitamins A, D, E are fixed. and K.

These vitamins, as you will see later, are very important for these birds. Fat also helps in the absorption of vitamin D, which is essential for the absorption of calcium.

Fat is also important in the process of converting carotene to vitamin A. Without giving all the fat in your meat to your parrot, you shouldn’t stick to a “Weight Watcher” diet either. A fair balance and everyone will be happy.

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