The reasons that would make parrots cry?

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parrots crying

Parrots crying: When you have a pet parrot, you sometimes have to wonder why your parrot makes strange sounds when something he doesn’t like happens, such as losing his companion, taking away his favorite toy, putting him in his cage earlier, or simply ignoring him and not giving him enough attention as he wishes. And if you don’t know what these voices mean, then let us tell you that it’s the sounds of a parrot that seems to be crying…

So, are parrots crying?

Yes, parrots can cry. Neglectboredomsadnessloneliness, and fear can make a parrot cry. Although parrots have tear ducts, tears do not flow as you imagine. However, a crying parrot will express its feelings through vocalizations and behaviors like screaming, rejection of food, pulling out feathers, and self-harm.


Why do parrots cry?

Parrots may cry to show and express their uncomfortable feelings, and sometimes they may cry simply to mimic the sound of other family members crying.

So when parrots cry, it’s not always because they feel sad. They may cry just to get attention, as they may have learned this from watching babies and children cry for attention or food.

Parrots may cry just out of boredom, they may cry just to get your attention, especially if they were all alone without a companion in their cage to entertain them.

Taking your parrot out of its cage to interact and play with it, and then putting it back in its cage can be a reason why the parrot cries and makes loud sounds.

Sometimes the cage can be the source of these feelings, such as boredom, neglect, and loneliness in your parrot. Especially if you don’t spend enough time with your bird.


Fear can also make parrots cry and make strange noises, these noises will be more obvious if you have another animal at home, a dog or a cat for example.

Your parrot will emit these cries when it feels unsafe because there has not been an adequate introduction between the parrot and the other animal.

And to be honest, there are multiple reasons why parrots cry. Sometimes the reasons can be obvious, and sometimes they can be mysterious. It is almost impossible for us to understand how parrots think and feel.


How do I know if my parrot is crying?

To know if your parrot is crying or not, you need to be able to understand what common voices your parrot is emitting.

There are many voices that parrots can emit using their beak, tongue, and throat. And not all of them will make all the voices that parrots can make.



Chaque perroquet de compagnie développera un modèle de bruits et de sons. Dans la nature, les perroquets imitent les voix qu’ils entendent et il en va de même en captivité.

You should notice the voices that your parrot emits when you ignore him for a long time when you put him in his cage too early when you change his cage, or where he is for a quieter place.

As a parrot owner, understand your parrot’s body language and vocalizations. You need to know what are the things that your parrot does not like, what voices he emits when he feels bad, and you must also understand the voices that your parrot emits when he is happy and amused.


With these considerations in mind, you can find out if your parrot is crying if he sometimes makes unpleasant voices if he tears off his feathers and hurts himself. Screams are also an important indicator that your parrot is crying.

When you hear these voices, you have to ask yourself what the reason is.

Is your parrot sick, injured, scared, bored, lonely, and satisfactory?

These are all questions you need to answer if you suspect your parrot is crying.

Not to mention that the quietest parrot breeds can cry quietly, reflecting their feelings on their behaviors.

crying parrots

What is the sound of the crying parrot?

Parrots can make several sounds when they cry, and it all depends on the surrounding voices they hear, they can scream and emit unpleasant voices naturally, just as if you had them in nature.

But for pet parrots in captivity, the sounds they can make while crying can vary depending on their environment, for example, let’s say a parrot owner has a baby who cries all the time for food and attention.

Parrots can actually understand that crying is the secret formula for getting attention and food, and here’s an example of a crying parrot:

Note that the crying parrot does not feel bad, is not afraid, and is not even hungry. He is simply bored and needs attention.


Why do baby parrots cry?

Baby parrots cry because they are hungry. When they are hungry, they cry and make noises to get their parents’ attention and get food. Once parents respond and feed their babies, the little ones will be wiser than before.

Smaller, older parrots may make noises and cry in fear, at least if they reach the age when they recognize other animals or people. 10-day-old babies and younger ones won’t even realize they’re sharing the world with other creatures.

Yes, parrots “seem” to cry, but it is difficult to know if the parrot is actually crying. One thing is certain, it is that parrots can feel boredom, fear, hunger, illness, depression, stress, and anxiety.

It is therefore important to prevent pet parrots from experiencing these feelings. These feelings can reflect on their behavior and make them make unpleasant noises, which is when we can know that something is wrong.

Important: The crying voices that your parrot emits depend mainly on the voices present in the surroundings and the environment. Parrots can make the sound of a crying baby just for fun, and this does not reflect the feelings of the parrot.

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