How to Tame Parrot

How to Tame Parrot

How to Tame Parrot? In the education of a parrot pet, of breeder or more wild origin, it is necessary to respect 4 principles to succeed in taming your parrot and to stick to it. What are they?


Show patience

The majority of failures are linked to a lack of patience. No haste, and above all no discouragement. Do not skip steps, at the risk of having to go back and ultimately waste a lot of time. Rest assured that it will work, but at the rate of the bird, not yours!

Promote respect

Understand the behavior of your bird

Start by putting yourself in the shoes of this wild parrot that is afraid of humans and which is aggressive. You will better understand his aggressiveness, and this will help you ignore him, especially when we have been caught and we are convinced that he is angry with us!

This is obviously not the case and it is simply a defense mechanism. But the human brain does its job and by reflex, we sometimes want to make it pay for this aggressiveness.

Above all, never do that, and never be brutal with your bird, even if you get frustrated …

opt for positive reinforcement

Positive reinforcement is an education method that is a complete paradigm shift.

Whether it is children or animals, we tend to punish negative behavior, but the encouragement of positive behavior is most often forgotten.
The principle is to do the opposite: encourage positive behavior and avoid the conditions that generate negative behavior. The results are spectacular.

Obviously, anything that is in the order of sanction, brutality, or authoritarianism is formally excluded. The shelters are full of animals that have been abused, beaten, and locked up in dire conditions.

Build trust

 Trust is the feeling that makes you trust someone or something.

It is ultimately a feeling of security. And that’s what we’re trying to do with our parrot. He who is savage, and who is afraid, it is absolutely necessary to give him a feeling of security.

Confidence is the starting point for a peaceful and harmonious life together. Never betray this confidence, acquired gradually at the cost of great patience, by a brutal gesture or an uncontrolled movement of temper.

How to Tame Parrot

How to Tame Parrot


The most frequent questions we receive have nothing to do with advanced flight training or doing short tours. On the contrary, we are constantly asked how to make a parrot do basic figures, get out of its cage, that it does not bite, …

These basic questions are fundamental when you have a parrot.

Unfortunately, many owners cannot make the most of their feathered friend because they cannot perform the basic manipulations.

A few words from the founder of Perroquet Royal:

Many owners cannot enjoy the fun of teaching their parrot tricks. All because they don’t even know how to handle him or reduce his aggression from the start. So now I sit down to write what I hope to be the ultimate guide to the basics of parrot taming.

Hope you enjoy the information in this article and find it useful. Read them fully and feel free to share them with other parrot owners. ”


How to Bond With and Tame Your Parrot | Gaining the Trust of a New Bird


Caging a Parrot for the First Time

Whether it is from a breeder, a store, or has been rehabilitated, you will need to transfer your parrot from the transport pen to its new cage. Either way, the caging procedure will be the same for everyone.

There are several possibilities for taming the parrot. Bring the carrier to the same area as the cage. Close all doors and windows.

Most likely, the parrot is quite frightened. Placing the cage door against the carrier door will not encourage him to exit on his own Food baits will not work either, as a frightened bird will refuse to eat.

Sometimes for several days. Your intervention will certainly be necessary.

You might get lucky and come across a friendly parrot that already knows how to do it. The problem is, you might not be sure if this parrot is easy going or not.

The best way to verify this is to slowly open the door and bring your hand towards the bird. When you open the cage door, limit the opening to a minimum and block it with your hand so that the parrot cannot rush outside.

Slowly bring your hand closer and closer to the parrot. If the parrot doesn’t respond much to the hand, keep moving closer. However, if the parrot opens its beak and slams aggressively towards your hand, the “intensive” method is unlikely to work.

Tame a Parrot

Tame a Parrot

For the non-aggressive parrot, continue to bring your hand together. Depending on the size of the parrot, you can use it from one finger to the entire arm. The main thing is to place your hand parallel to the perch on which it stands and slightly above its legs.

If it has been trained by the breeder to rise, it is good to say “rise” when you have your hand in position. As soon as the parrot rises, slowly take it out of its support and put it in the cage.

As with your hand before, orient the bird so that the perch of the cage is parallel to your hand and slightly above its legs.

The parrot should now climb onto the porch. You can close the cage door and talk to the parrot for a while. But then be sure to give him some time to adjust to his new environment.

It is therefore advisable not to handle the parrot for the moment. Unless you already have experience with parrots.

If it turns out you are dealing with an aggressive parrot. You will need to grab the bird to put it in a cage. Don’t worry about it affecting your relationship.

The parrot will eventually recover. In fact, he probably won’t even realize what happened if you do it quickly enough. You certainly don’t want to prolong this unpleasant experience more than necessary as the fear will intensify and only make it more difficult.

It is especially important not to let the parrot escape from the carrier. Because you will have a lot more trouble picking it up somewhere in the room.



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