Parrot Roundworm

Parrot Roundworm

Parrot Roundworm: What is a roundworm infection? How do I know if my bird has worms? Parasite Profile: They’re everywhere and they’re dangerous!

Parrot Disease

Bio: The Roundworm Nematode is the most common intestinal parasite in captive parrots and remains a regular cause of severe illness and death.
The ability of the female roundworm to produce and lay eggs is astounding any infected bird will pass large numbers of roundworm eggs in its droppings. This makes the cage environment a minefield of roundworm infection and reinfection.
Roundworm eggs are ingested while the parrots forage on the bottom of the cage. Once hatched the worm larvae go on a journey through the tissues of the bird where they rapidly find the gut. There they suck up nutrients until they become mature adults and grow into another “worm egg factory”.Now the Parrot health of all your caged birds is at risk.

parakeet worms

Parrot Roundworm

Weapon of Choice: The roundworm uses a brutal approach to its war on your bird. It simply multiplies and grows in such numbers that, apart from drawing all the nutrients from the gut. they form a writhing mass of worms inside the intestine that eventually kill the parrot!

Weapon of Choice: The roundworm uses a brutal approach to its war on your bird. It simply multiplies and grows in such numbers that, apart from drawing all the nutrients from the gut. they form a writhing mass of worms inside the intestine that eventually kill the parrot!

Counter Measures: Worms must be controlled. The best treatment is prevention. A parrot carrying a heavy burden of roundworm is in real danger controlling the intake of worm eggs is the safest option.

Worm All you caged and aviary birds every 3 months (4 times a year) to keep the worm egg numbers to a minimum, complete eradication of roundworms is practically impossible. go for good control

parakeet worms

Parrot Roundworm

Worms in parrot

SOURCE: Vetafarm

Important for Bird Breeders! Ensure that one of the worming treatments happens just before breeding time and another after young birds have been weaned

If your parrots have an outbreak of worm-related illness you need to act quickly. Sick birds should be taken into a hospital box and given spark liquid directly (this helps with stress and dehydration)

Then treat with worm out Gel, as per directions. Workout Gel is safe and effective on all worms in all birds from a zebra finch to a Scarlet Macaw

Once the crisis is over make sure you institute a regular workout Gel program.

Pet Risk: HIGH – Roundworm is extremely common in aviaries. They reproduce rapidly and may infect all species and ages of bird parrots. Left untreated roundworms are a regular cause of death in an aviary .particulary among native Australian birds. Your vet can check for roundworm eggs in the droppings of your birds, however, a regular prevention program is a way to go

The Scariest Parrot Disease

SOURCE: AnimalWonders Montana

Treating Worms in Birds

SOURCE: Vetafarm

4 helpful tips on Worming your birds

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