Plum-faced Lorikeet

Plum-faced Lorikeet parrots

Plum-faced Lorikeet 15–17 cm; 16–26 g. Bill Black, the entire crown above a line through eye red; face below eye plum purple, with a double string of white flecks from lores under the eye to ear-coverts;

the postocular area adjoining sides of neck, nape, upperparts, and tail dark green; primaries blue; underparts yellowish-green, but sides of breast and underwing-coverts red, belly and lower flanks orange-red, yellow on sides of under tail-coverts; yellow band across undersides of secondaries; tail tipped reddish pink, underside all reddish.

The Plum-faced Lorikeet Female has no red on the head. Immature similar, with black edges on upper parts, facial pattern less obvious. Race major larger, with a more extensive red tip to tail; Grandis similar but lacks orange-red on belly and flanks.

Editor’s Note: This article requires further editing work to merge existing content into the appropriate Subspecies sections. Please bear with us while this update takes place.

Proposed race intermedius (from C New Guinea) synonymized with grandis. Three subspecies were recognized.


Plum-faced Lorikeet parrot

Plum-faced Lorikeet


Oreopsittacus arfaki arfaki Scientific name definitions


NW New Guinea (mountains of Vogelkop Peninsula).

Oreopsittacus arfaki major Scientific name definitions


WC New Guinea (Snow Mts).

Oreopsittacus arfaki Grandis Scientific name definitions


EC, NE, and SE New Guinea (Central Highlands to mountains of the Huon Peninsula and Owen Stanley Range).


Editor’s Note: Additional distribution information for this taxon can be found in the ‘Subspecies’ article above. In the future, we will develop a range-wide distribution article.

SOURCE: Video Ark


Montane mist forest at 2000–3750 m, including disturbed Nothofagus- Podocarpus ­forest. Occasionally found as low as 1000 m.

Diet and Foraging

Plum faced Lorikeet parrot

Plum-faced Lorikeet

Nectar and perhaps pollen of Dimorphanthera cf. cornuta, flowers, and fruits of Schefflera, berries; noted to feed not only in the crowns of trees but also on small fruits on lower growth inside the forest; usually in pairs.

Sounds and Vocal Behavior

The commonest vocalization a crisp, high-pitched triple-noted “tsi-tsi-tseet”, sometimes run together to become a longer Twitter. Also, single “tseet” notes.


Mating display observed in Jun, and breeding condition Plum-faced Lorikeets in Aug–Oct. No other information.

Conservation Status

Plum faced Lorikeet

Plum-faced Lorikeet

Not globally threatened. CITES II. Fairly common but difficult to observe. Regular around Tari Gap, Papua New Guinea.

Other Type of lorikeet:

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