Red-flanked Lorikeet


Red-flanked Lorikeet


Red-flanked Lorikeet 15–17 cm; 25–48 g. Generally green, yellowish on forecrown facial patch red, ear-coverts blue, sides of breast, flanks and underwing-coverts red, with a yellow band across the underside of flight-feathers;

rump patch dark blue; tail green above, broadly tipped yellow and with subterminal red area in the center, yellow below; bill red, legs orange-red.

Red-flanked Lorikeet Female lacks red and blue and has ear-coverts bluish black-streaked yellow and a green forehead. Immature like a female, but the male has some red.

Race intensiorslightly larger, darker blue on rump; ornate has more extensive red on the throat, and is slightly darker green, with larger blue rump; subplacens without blue rump; pallid or like previous race but paler and perhaps brighter.

Editor’s Note: This article requires further editing work to merge existing content into the appropriate Subspecies sections. Please bear with us while this update takes place.

parrot Red-flanked Lorikeet

Red-flanked Lorikeet

Proposed race occidentalis (from Ambelau I, off SE Buru) included in nominate. Five subspecies were recognized.



Hypocharmosyna placentis intensior Scientific name definitions


N Moluccas (from Morotai S to Obi), and Gebe (in W Papuan Is).

Hypocharmosyna placentis placentis Scientific name definitions


S Moluccas (from Ambelau and Seram to Kai Is), Aru Is, and through S New Guinea to W Gulf of Papua.

Hypocharmosyna placentis ornata Scientific name definitions


W Papuan Is (except Gebe) and NW New Guinea.

Hypocharmosyna placentis subplacens Scientific name definitions


E and SE New Guinea in lowlands E from Sepik R and, in S, from E Gulf of Papua.

Hypocharmosyna placentis pallidior Scientific name definitions


The Bismarck Archipelago and islands of Nigeria and Nissan to Bougainville; also Woodlark I, off SE New Guinea.


Forest, especially mangroves; also savanna woodland, tall secondary growth, coastal Casuarina groves, coconut and sago plantations, riverside palm and eucalypts, and open cultivated areas.

Generally reported from lowlands, below 250 m in Halmahera and Kai Is, with some records up to 1400 m; however, recently found up to 800 m on Halmahera, with highest densities above 700 m.


Observations on Halmahera suggest birds apparently travel long distances in search of flowers.

Diet and Foraging

Apparently mainly or exclusively flowers and their nectar and pollen, including Erythrina indicaScheffleraSyzygiumMelicopePoikilospermumDimorphanthera, and Cocos nucifera. One observation of birds apparently ingesting lichen and moss off trunks, branches, and epiphytes.

Sounds and Vocal Behavior

Red-flanked Lorikeet Calls include a sharp “kssit”, a high-pitched “tss”, more subdued raspy notes, and combinations thereof, also being given in flight. When feeding, shrill chatters.

SOURCE: Bird Jamboree


Red-flanked Lorikeet parrot

Red-flanked Lorikeet

Jun–Nov, possibly much more extended, with birds seen at nest cavities in Feb and Apr. Red-flanked Lorikeet Nest in holes excavated by birds usually in arboreal termitarium or, sometimes, staghorn fern or moss clump. Eggs 2 (once), and 2 fledglings were observed.

Conservation Status

Red-flanked Lorikeet parrots

Red-flanked Lorikeet

Not globally threatened. CITES II. Generally common, and sometimes abundant e.g. in the Bismarck Archipelago. Not a popular target of traders, mainly because most of the Red-flanked Lorikeet taken die before reaching the traders! The density of 30 birds/km² is estimated in one area of SE New Guinea, and likewise on Halmahera.

Other lorikeet types:

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