Rock Parrot
Rock Parrot 22 cm; 47–54 g. Frontal band to eye dark blue vaguely edged pale blue including around eye and on lores; rest of head and upperparts brownish...
Rock Parrot 22 cm; 47–54 g. Frontal band to eye dark blue vaguely edged pale blue including around eye and on lores; rest of head and upperparts brownish...
Elegant Parrot 22–23 cm; 42–51 g. Extremely similar to N. chrysostoma but plumage brighter and more yellowish notably on breast, with inner wing-coverts concolorous with mantle, reducing...
Blue winged Parrot 20–21 cm; 44–61 g. The area between eye and bill, and postocular mark, yellow; dark blue line across the forehead to the...
Night Parrot 23 cm. Mottled dull green and black above and below, with green ear-coverts and plain yellow belly and under tail-coverts; flight feathers and...
Ground Parrot 30 cm; mean 130 g. Red frontal band; plain green on face and breast; crown green with black streaks; upperparts green mottled black with yellow buff...
Blue naped Parrot 31 cm; 148–231 g. Green, brighter on head and rump; bill red; mid-crown to nape pale blue; back suffused blue; bend of wing...
Great billed Parrot is also known as Moluccan parrot or island parrot 33–43 cm. Enormous bill red; head, nape, and mantle bright green, shading to pale...
Black lored Parrot 40 cm. Generally dull green throughout, slightly brighter on hindneck; bill red; crown and upper cheeks lightly washed bluish-grey bisected by a...
Brehm’s Tiger Parrot or Brehm’s parakeet, also known as Brehm’s ground parrot 24 cm; 94–120 g. Bill brownish grey with pale cutting edges; head and throat...
Painted Tiger Parrot (Eastern) 17–19 cm; 48–68 g. Bill silver-grey, with even paler tip; entire crown rufous-brown, face greyish brown, with yellow collar over the neck...
Long tailed Parakeet 40–48 cm; 168–196 g. Upper mandible red, lower blackish red; crown and area above line from cere to eye dark green;...
Nicobar Parakeet (Psittacula caniceps) 56–61 cm 224 g. Bill read above, black below; head pale grey with a black frontal band extending to the eye...
Red breasted Parakeet 33–38 cm; 133–168 g. Bill red, tipped yellow; head pale blue-grey with a thin black line from cere to the eye, black chin...
Derbyan Parakeet 46–50 cm. Bill red above tipped yellow, black below; a narrow black frontal band stretching back to eye set in light turquoise on the...
Layard’s Parakeet 29–31 cm. Upper mandible red with yellowish tip, lower dull brownish; forehead and area around the eye to lower mandible soft green, rest...
Malabar Parakeet 36–38 cm. Upper mandible red with yellowish tip, lower dull brownish; the area from bill to around eye bluish-green; rest of head warm...
Blossom headed Parakeet 30–36 cm. Very similar to P. cyanocephala but has forecrown, cheeks and ear-coverts rosy pink hind crown to ear-coverts bluish lilac, back, and rump...
Plum headed Parakeet 33–37 cm; 56–85 g. Bill yellowish above, black below; head crimson shading to greyish plum on mid-crown to nape and ear-coverts; black chin...
Slaty headed parakeet 39–41 cm. Upper mandible red-tipped yellow, lower yellow; head slate grey with black half-collar from chin and throat upsides of neck; body yellowish green...
Echo Parakeet 36–42 cm; 167–193 g. Very similar to P. krameri but darker, richer green, with bluish wash on nape, tail greener above, shorter. Female like female krameri but...
The Rose ringed Parakeet or Ring-necked Parakeet is a slender parakeet, 40th of a cm in length, half of which is for the tail. It...
Seychelles parakeet ( Psittacula wardi ) is an extinct species of parrot in the noble parakeet genus. It was endemic to Seychelles. The species epithet...
The Alexandrine Parakeet Psittacula eupatria is a member of the order Psittaciformes and the family Psittacidae. She is a medium-sized parrot with a very...
Mascarene parrot or Réunion parakeet ( Mascarinus mascarinus ) is an extinct species of parrot . It was the only species in the genus...
Blue-rumped Parrot 18–19·5 cm. Upper mandible red (lower duller); head lavender-blue; underparts greyish olive with a yellow pectoral tuft, shading ventrally to yellowish green; mantle, upper back, and primary-coverts...
Singing Parrot (Geoffroyus heteroclitus) 24–25 cm; 150–195 g. Differs from larger male Eclectus roratus by lack of red on bill and on body sides; in flight,...
Red Cheeked Parrot 21–27 cm; 130–180 g. Green above, yellowish-green below; upper mandible red, lower black; head red except mid- to hind crown pale violet-blue; dull...
Which birds speak the most? Other birds are quite capable of learning to speak. These include the Gabonese grey parrot, the yellow-crowned Amazon parrot, the...
cockatiel colors Cockatiel colors Mutations, Scientific name: Nymphicus hollandicus , Family: Cacatuidae Genre: Nymphicus Classification: It is the only species of the genus...
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